Croisstime's GF


This is where I'll be putting my thoughts and things that have happened to us! This is a little empty right now, but I'm sure more stuff will happen on it.


I don't know why I only specifically started sharing my thoughts on THIS date of all the dates, but... Well, here's my first entry on this little thoughts page.

Me, Croissant, and Timekeeper are doing well! Croissant's been working on her Rodland of Pipes fanfiction and also getting herself ready to go adopt a millipede, and Timekeeper is as clingy as always no matter what I do. I just finished unlocking the entire story for Operation: Timeguard in-game. I (sadly) wasn't there for the event, so I had to unlock it all with keys. It's kind of fun watching them read their dialogue out in my head.

A while ago, I swam regularly. Big pool, with my family. Since Summer is over, we aren't swimming anymore, but having Croissant in the pool with me was kinda fun. Did you know that when cookies want to swim they put on a special oil that prevents them from getting soggy? I always wondered how they had water gun fights and such when getting soggy is such a dangerous thing. Anyways, Croissant is really cute when she swims, and Timekeeper is really cute when she sinks down to the bottom of the pool and just sits there. Croissy had a little trouble keeping up with me, though. It's a big pool and certainly not made for tiny cookies like her, so most of the time in the pool was just spent with her holding onto me as I did laps or relaxed in the deep end. I can dive pretty well, so I also went down every so often to say hello to Timekeeper. I guess she doesn't need to breathe or anything? I am still not entirely sure what's up with Timey, and I think it's more fun if I don't know.

So, that's it for this entry, I suppose. Their ACTUAL birthday is coming up soon since it isn't their release date, and I'll be celebrating it like they did for my birthday.